Enhancing Kubernetes Security and Compliance with Starboard Audit Reports: A Practical Guide

In my How to Install and Use Starboard to Protect Your Kubernetes Cluster post, I first installed Starboard and reviewed a vulnerability scan report. After reviewing the results, I then tried to action some of the vulnerabilities in my MySQL deployment. In addition to vulnerability scans, Starboard can also conduct configuration audits of your Kubernetes deployment. I wanted to review those next and walk through a Kubernetes audit report action plan. In working through an action plan, you should first address any CRITICAL results. After mitigating those, you would want to work through the HIGH and so forth. ...

December 9, 2023 · 12 min · Scott

Leveraging InitContainers to Streamline Bitnami MySQL Initialization

In my previous post, How to Install and Use Starboard to Protect Your Kubernetes Cluster, I successfully secured my Bitnami MySQL deployment. The problem is that I also broke my Bitnami MySQL deployment. By upgrading the deployment, I lost the curl command that I used to pull down sample data into my pod. I realized that I could add an initContainer to Bitnami MySQL in order to mount the repo as a directory instead. ...

December 2, 2023 · 4 min · Scott

How to Install and Use Starboard to Protect Your Kubernetes Cluster

In my Securing Your CI/CD Pipeline: A Beginner’s Guide to Implementing Essential Security Measures post, I started to tinker with SecOps a little with Terrascan. I also stumbled upon another tool called Starboard from Aqua security. In this post, I’m going to focus on using Starboard installation and usage as a Kubernetes Operator to see how it works. Getting Started The installation of Starboard seems pretty easy as you can either use kubectl or helm. I decided to go the helm route for my installation. ...

November 24, 2023 · 9 min · Scott

Securing Your CI/CD Pipeline: A Beginner’s Guide to Implementing Essential Security Measures

If you take a look at this blog, you’ll see that I’ve begun to tinker with devops quite a bit. If you’ve ever taken the trouble to look me up on LinkedIn, you’ll also see that I’ve had a little history doing security stuff. Given my love of security, the next logical step of my devops journey was to start to look into securing the CI/CD pipeline. My previous posts were some ways that I was able to make my own personal infrastructure easier to maintain while at the same time learning various devops tools. My two previous posts, How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Your Database and Automate Your Database Changes with a CI/CD Pipeline, are my attempt at creating a sample pipeline to be used as a basis of my examples. In addition to these articles, I’ve also created some other infrastructure as part of my devops environment. Now let’s secure it! ...

November 16, 2023 · 13 min · Scott

Automate Your Database Changes with a CI/CD Pipeline

I first started talking about building a database CI/DI pipeline in my previous post, How to Build a CI/CD Pipeline for Your Database. That previous post was focused more on the infrastructure that would be managed by the DevOps team. Now I want to focus on efficient database management with CI/CD. In this post, I’m going to setup a very simple repo that will make use of my deployed database. This new repo is going to leverage a popular tool called Liquibase to implement our changes to the database. ...

November 8, 2023 · 10 min · Scott