Successfully Deploying a Static WordPress Site

If you’ve followed my previous posts, you’ll see that I’ve spent some time attempting to build my blog on WordPress and then finally make it static. This had resulted in lots of custom code and even more failed attempts to get things to publish correctly. I’ve finally been successful in building out my site with a combination of some of my failed attempts: Adding Nginx in Front of WordPress Building a Kubernetes Container That Synchs with Private Git Repo Building a Static WordPress The third article above is the most failed attempt to date at making the WordPress site static because it resulted in just as many successes as it did failures....

November 17, 2022 · 6 min · Scott

Using Github Actions To Test Before You Deploy

I’ve been using DigitalOcean for quite some time now and had recently setup their App Platform to run my website. Their platform is great in that I’m able to build a docker container running Openresty and it handles all of my needs. The platform does a great job of catching docker build failures and stops attempting a deployment when this happens. A few weeks ago, I had a concerning thought in that they don’t catch problems with my Openresty configuration until it’s too late....

October 23, 2022 · 5 min · Scott

Getting Started With a Content Security Policy

I recently needed to setup Content Security Policy (CSP) on a website and I couldn’t think of where to get started. The first question that came to mind was what all content do I allow and how do I test everything without having to look through all of the code on the site. This is where the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header can come into play. The short version is that this allows you to create a policy in report only mode and you can collect the results at the endpoint specified via the report-uri directive....

October 2, 2022 · 3 min · Scott

Speeding Up WordPress

I started messing around with my WordPress by first adding in a layer of security in Adding Nginx in Front of WordPress. After putting Nginx in front of my WordPress, I decided that I would further secure it by also Building a Static WordPress. That’s great and all but maybe it was time to make Nginx give me some performance gains rather than just some security controls. That is exactly what we’re going to do in this blog post....

February 25, 2021 · 3 min · Scott

Building a Static WordPress

Part of the reason that I can do this is because my site is mostly static. I don’t allow comments or other dynamic plugins. The site is only used to publish my blog posts and that’s about it. I also setup WordPress to use the permalink format of /%year%/%monthnum%/%post_id%/ First Step, Mirror the Site to a Private Repo Just as the heading states, I needed to first get all of my content available outside of WordPress....

January 27, 2021 · 6 min · Scott