Connecting Slack to RSS Feeds

I wanted to be able to curate some of my favorite RSS feeds into a single location. There are an endless number of RSS readers and ways to do it but I wanted to use Slack since it’s on every device I use. Using Slack would also allow me to get notifications wherever I was. I could also easily share these articles with anyone that I thought would want to read them....

September 25, 2022 · 1 min · Scott

Configuring adminer for Oracle Databases

If you are not familiar with adminer, you can read more about it here. In short, it is a PHP script that allows you to manage various databases via a single interface. We have been successfully using the adminer official docker image from docker hub for a number of different databases. We now have a need to add Oracle as one of those databases to use with adminer. This initially seemed like a simple task....

September 18, 2022 · 7 min · Scott

Deploying a Sample PostgreSQL Database

Now that I’m beginning to use Github to manage my Kubernetes cluster as shown in my previous article Making The Leap Into Devops, it’s time to start bringing over some of my sample systems for testing. This article shows how to make use of Bitnami’s PostgreSQL helm chart to deploy a sample PostgreSQL database in Kubernetes. I make use of the PostgreSQL DVDRental Sample Database that is available here. In order to incorporate this into my deployment, I have created a public Github called sample_dbs to host my sample databases....

September 11, 2022 · 3 min · Scott

Adding a Custom DNS Entry to CoreDNS

I ran into a small problem recently when I was leveraging my site updating code referenced in Automating Static WordPress Updates. The problem was that I was unable to update content reliably for two reasons: The content was not properly switching out the hostname in the URL when I would crawl my backend WordPress site. I actually implemented something that helped to correct this but it lead to problem #2. I should probably post a new article on the changes I made in my script… My script would only crawl the external static site so updates were not getting published....

August 28, 2022 · 2 min · Scott

Oracle Cloud Vault KMS – Replicating AWS Secrets

I recently had to do some tinkering in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with Compute Instances and the Key and Secrets Management in Oracle Vault. I wanted to be able to replicate AWS EC2 instance capability to access secrets based upon the instance’s permissions without requiring any usernames, passwords, tokens, etc… to be stored on the instance itself. In AWS, I already know how to do this via IAM Roles and Policies....

August 21, 2022 · 3 min · Scott