Upkeep Sucks

What can I say, upkeep sucks. I had made a number of changes as I migrated this blog from one platform to another. After the migrations, I even made some changes to WordPress. After making all of those changes, everything was broken but it didn’t matter. I had lots of leftover static content that allowed … Read more

My Blog is Searchable

Finally, my blog is searchable! I have added enough content that scrolling endlessly through categories wasn’t enough anymore. What Directions I Used As you might recall from my Successfully Deploying a Static WordPress Site post, I moved over to using Simply Static Pro to make my WordPress static. I finally got around to actually looking … Read more

Successfully Deploying a Static WordPress Site

If you’ve followed my previous posts, you’ll see that I’ve spent some time attempting to build my blog on WordPress and then finally make it static. This had resulted in lots of custom code and even more failed attempts to get things to publish correctly. I’ve finally been successful in building out my site with … Read more

Tuning My Content Security Policy

In my Getting Started With a Content Security Policy post, I setup a report only CSP policy so that I could try and identify things that could test out a policy before implementing it. It is time to parse through the results and see what needs to be updated in my deployed policy. The original … Read more

Speeding Up WordPress

I started messing around with my WordPress by first adding in a layer of security in Adding Nginx in Front of WordPress. After putting Nginx in front of my WordPress, I decided that I would further secure it by also Building a Static WordPress. That’s great and all but maybe it was time to make … Read more

Automating Static WordPress Updates

In my previous post, Building a Static WordPress, I setup my Nginx sitting in front of WordPress to load static content from a private repo. This is great but could become tedious long term. Most notably, this becomes challenging as you begin to post more content. Each time content is posted, we need to fetch … Read more

Building a Static WordPress

Now that I have Nginx in Front of WordPress, I thought the next logic step was to try and hide my WordPress even more. What exactly would this mean? In my mind, I figured that I would restrict access to all of the backend functions of my WordPress site to just my IP Addresses. From … Read more