The Democratization of AI: How AI is Becoming Accessible to All

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! It’s been a little while since I’ve posted. I figured it’s time we talked about something that’s been buzzing in the AI world lately – the democratization of AI. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Another buzzword?” But stick with me here, because this is actually pretty cool stuff that’s changing … Read more

Kickstart Your Journey With Rego

Rego, the language powering the Open Policy Agent (OPA), has become an indispensable tool for developers and security professionals alike. In order to kickstart your journey with Rego, it makes sense to first understand some of the basics. I put the cart before the horse by first posting how to use Rego in Rego Based … Read more

Rego Based Policies in Cyral

From time to time, I end up documenting very specific details like my Integrating Cyral with Jira Cloud post. This is another case where I recently had to develop some customer Rego based policies for a specific use case at Cyral. When I first started working at Cyral, I did not know the Rego language. … Read more

Funny Moment in AI Tinkering

I spent today neck deep in rego so I thought it would be fun to take a break from documenting something technical and instead talk about a funny moment in AI tinkering. Yes, Artificial Intelligence is the latest buzz so it just makes sense to blog about it, right? Also, yes, there’s a minor plug … Read more

Using Docker Instead of Virtual Environments (venv)

I was talking to a co-worker recently about my use of docker instead of virtual environments (venv) and he mentioned that I should probably write something up about it. It didn’t occur to me that this might be a more preferred method than venv until I had this discussion. It makes sense to briefly explain … Read more

Upkeep Sucks

What can I say, upkeep sucks. I had made a number of changes as I migrated this blog from one platform to another. After the migrations, I even made some changes to WordPress. After making all of those changes, everything was broken but it didn’t matter. I had lots of leftover static content that allowed … Read more

Removing Glare with GIMP

In my Self Promotion of InkedWith post, I mentioned that I had some plans to bring in some new battles with technology. This article is a simple battle I found for removing glare with GIMP in images. I had taken some pictures to be used for printing as well as posting to social media. The … Read more

My Blog is Searchable

Finally, my blog is searchable! I have added enough content that scrolling endlessly through categories wasn’t enough anymore. What Directions I Used As you might recall from my Successfully Deploying a Static WordPress Site post, I moved over to using Simply Static Pro to make my WordPress static. I finally got around to actually looking … Read more

Self Promotion of InkedWith

While this post is mainly focused on self promotion of InkedWith, my new Shopify store, I figured it was a good way to open up a new wave of technology challenges! With the shameless plug out of the way, allow me to cover the back history of this a little bit. Back History I have … Read more